Learning Mode & Method
The course of study includes Moral Instruction, Reading, Writing, Mathematics (Integrated), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, General Science, History, Geography, Crafts, Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, English Language and Literature, Physical Training. Computers has been introduced from classes III to X .Students are prepared for various competitive exams as scholarship examination, Rashtrabhasha, Cambridge Young Learners English , English Olympiad and Science Olympiad.
The notes are mailed to the parents as and when the topics are taught to the students. Great stress is placed on co-curricular activities and character building program. The medium of instruction throughout is English with Hindi being the 2nd and Marathi being the 3rd language. Students are taught German from V Std.

Language Pattern
Mary Matha English Medium School is an English Medium School. We follow three language pattern, which is imposed by the Government throughout India. The medium of instruction is English, Hindi being a compulsory 2nd language. Marathi being the state language , is a compulsory 3rd language till Std IV. German is taught from Std V as a third language. More emphasis is laid on developing the student’s linguistic skills in English.
Students are motivated to participate in competitive exams like Cambridge University Young Learners English which enhances the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Student’s are assessed by the Cambridge University for the exam and receive a certification from Cambridge University for the same.
Progress & Promotion
- Promotion to new classes will be made in March.
- Frequent tests will be given and reports are prepared periodically. These are usually issued in June, August, October , December, January and March.
- Report cards are not presented till all fees are paid in full.
- Promotions are indicated in the Final report in March and students are promoted to their new classes in March each year.
- Students absenting themselves frequently during the year or missing the Final Examination are liable to lose their promotion.
- Students who are overage for their class and fail to get promoted will be asked to leave school.
- Students who fail twice consecutively in the same class will have to leave school. They will not be taken back under any circumstances.
- Primary (I to V) Students will be having Evaluation I, Evaluation II and Evaluation III instead of terms.
- Secondary (VI to X) Students will be having Pre Midterm, Mid-term, Post Mid-term and Annual exam as their evaluation instead of terms.

Mary Matha English Medium School helps the parents to access information such as examination results, daily homework, and comments from teachers and Principal about their ward through monthly mails.
Parents can also post comments and messages to the school regarding their queries.
Open house meetings are conducted four times a year to give a brief review of the child’s performance in the examinations. The answer sheets of the class tests are shown to the parents. Students are assessed on their daily performance, Assignments, Group activities, Projects, Attendance, Moral Values, Class Tests.
To avoid any discrimination in the students , the results are based only on grade system.
Results are announced according to the CBSE remodeled assessment.